I'm Darsh and I 💙 data.

About Me

I was born in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and I spent the majority of my childhood in a small town called Adipur (with a brief foray to Manchester) in the western state of Gujarat in India. I moved to the UK when I was 12 and have lived here since then, with a gap of 2 years when I was in Toronto for a masters degree.

I am a data scientist in my day job. My work is a combination of implementing new algorithms, analysing biological data and software engineering. In addition, I still enjoy writing papers on a topics ranging from fundamental physics to machine learning. The research page contains a summary of my works so far. The common tools I use for my work as a data scientist and a researcher are statistics, mathematics and programming. While some of these skills were taught to me as a student, I learnt many of them on the job or through my own learnings. Indeed, learning and teaching is something I am very passionate about.

More generally I believe that data and data driven technology can help solve the world's largest problems. It is the prospect of being able to solve these problems that drives me.


  • MSci Astrophysics (2011 - 2015): First Class Honors

    University of London Driver Prive: For highest grades in graduating year

  • MSc in Physics (2015-2017): 3.92/4 GPA

    Supervisor: Ue-Li Pen

  • DPhil in Astrophysics (2017-2019)

    Supervisor: Pedro Ferreira

    Thesis title: Origin and evolution of the universe


Work experience


Data scientist



Data scientist

My work at ONI involves analysing data from biolgical experiments and developing algorithms and software tools to automate this analysis. In addition to the development work, I also interact with cross functional teams within the company and also external customers to understand their software/data needs and provide technical support.

Oxford Nanoimaging (ONI) is a biotech startup that has spun out from the Physics department at the University of Oxford. They specialise in building super-resolution microscopes that can resolve structures up to length of 20nm. The revolutionary technique that enables this is known as dStorm and the nobel prize for chemistry in 2014 was awarded to the pioneers of this technique.


Head of Data science



Head of Data science

EcoSync is a clean energy startup that aims to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. My work as head of data science is to come up with a data strategy for the business and execute it to build the most user friendly products.

In order to optimise the energy consumption of buildings, I have built a class of supervised learning models that try to predict the temperature in individual rooms and these are then used to optimise the energy consumption using reinforcement learning models that improve over time.

Outsmart insight

Lead technical consultant


Outsmart insight

Lead technical consultant

Outsmart insight is a consulting firm that provides scientific R&D consulting to tech businesses. I have completed 10 projects for them on topics that range from forecasting the future of neuromorphic computing, to crowd management for large events.

My work involves reading scientific papers and drawing insights from them, conducting interviews with industry experts and performing due deligence on deep tech startups for our clients.

Oxford strategy consulting

Consultant: Team leader


Oxford strategy consulting

Team lead consultant

Oxford university innovation and the careers service host a range of consulting programs for local business and large corporations where they can work with Oxford university academics and students. I have been a part of these programs and worked with a variety of clients in the clean energy and logistics sector.

I have lead teams with more than 5 oxford students and researchers on two large client projects. My work has been to liase with the clients to understand their requirements, turn them into workpackages and distribute them amongst the team. For the overall project management I made use of tools such as Asana and for market surveys we use survey monkey.


Pythia sports

Quantative analyst


Pythia sports

Quantative analyst

I worked on developing supervised machine learning models that predict various metrics in football games using millions of football games as training data. In order to develop these models, a large amount of time is spent on cleaning the data and feature engineering to find the most predictive and uncorrelated variables that can form predictive models.

Pythia sports is a sports analytics company trying to solve some of the hardest and coolest problems across a spectrtum of sports. I did an internship with them in the summer of 2019.

National Physical Laboratory

Research scientist



Research assistant

Led the development of two novel alloys that can be used to measure the temperature. The two alloys were made of zinc-bismuth and aluminium-indium and both showed two fixed points. This allows for temperature calibration of thermocouples while they are inside other experimental apparatus.

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is UK's premier measurement institute and maintains the standards of various fundamental physics units such as temperature, time etc.

Open university

Research assistant


Open University

Research scientist

Automated the opening and closing of a remotely controlled telesope called PIRATE based in Mallorca, Spain. The automation was based on analysis weather data. Awarded Gold Crest award by the british science association.




Machine learning
















